“What used to take one person 3 hours to accomplish, can now be completed in 20 minutes with two people. Besides the obvious labor benefits, we are now able to purchase pan grease in bulk rather than buying expensive aerosol cans, which add a further level of savings.”
Chris Jurca
Bread & Cie Wholesale Bakery
San Diego, CA
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“We have one of the original select-a-spray pan greasers from the 1960’s. We purchased it at the RBA convention in Chicago…. Ali was fighting for the championship, as I recall. …We have used this machine 4-5 hours daily, 6 days per week since purchase… Your quality has truly stood the test of time.”
James Balmain
Smith’s Bakeries Bakersfield CA
We save approximately 5 hours of labor per day and $1,000 in oil cans per month. Not only will both machines be paid off within the first year of operation but we will be able to raise our profitability after that by about $2,000 per month
Peter Kayfetz-GaumSanta Barbara Baking Company
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“We have been using our Hayon Pan Greaser for a couple of months and I have been doing some productivity studies on our operation and have compared this to our methods. Our productivity has increased over 300% and our labor has decreased over 75%. Everything all said and done, we will have a complete return on our investment on the machine back within 4-5 months…. The operational side has worked very well. Very simple, and very, very low maintenance needed on this machine… It was money well spent”
Gary Horstmann
Alessi Bakeries